Sunday 15 December 2013

Differences among Resume, CV and Bio Data

As a Fresher, We do have a lot of confusion among the words Resume, Curriculum Vitae and Bio Data. So here are the differences among Resume, CV and Bio-Data.

Hope this is useful to all of you.

Differences between Resume, CV and Bio Data.


Bio Data is the short form for Biographical. In a bio data, the focus is on personal particulars like date of birth, gender, religion, race, nationality, residence, marital status and the like.


Resume is a French word meaning "summary". A resume is ideally a summary of one's education, skills and employment when applying for a new job. It thus, is usually 1 or at the max 2 pages long.

Resume Structure: A good resume would start with a Brief Profile of the candidate, Summary of Qualifications, followed by Industry Expertise and then Professional Experience in reverse chronological order. Focus is on the most recent experiences (with responsibilities and accomplishments), and previous experiences are only presented as a summary.

C.V - Curriculum Vitae:

Curriculum Vitae is a Latin word meaning "course of life". It is more detailed than a resume, generally 2 to 3 pages, or even longer as per the requirement. It indicates candidate's professional experience.

You can save the below image for your reference to read it offline - Difference between CV, Resume and Bio-Data.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for providing the difference. It is too essential for us.
